Friday, November 1, 2013


If you would have told me 83 days ago that we would have both boys home prior to their due date I would have probably called you crazy!!!  But today at 12:30 PM Joseph was discharged from the Hospital and is now safe and sound in his home along with his brothers Vince and Nicholas, dog Gucci, and two very very proud and happy parents!!!  Many of you will never truly know what this experience is like, and to be completely honest I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but hopefully as you have followed the progress of our boys over the past 83 days, you were able to gain an appreciation for the healthcare providers and facility that took such great care of our boys and also gain a little insight into the range of emotions that we experienced during this time.  Kalleigh and I both know that the NICU experience was just a very small piece of the beginning of these boys' lives, but we also know that the NICU will always be a very large part of their lives as they grow older and can understand exactly what they went through in their first few months!!!  I can write and write all day about how wonderful the NICU is and just how amazing each person who works there is as well, but hopefully as I said before I have gotten that point across over this time. 

Kalleigh and I along with our boys now enter a new chapter which will surely be filled with many new surprises, tears, worries, lack of sleep, laughter and most of all love, but we feel that this experience has prepared us for many of lives challenges, and as long as we can look back and put everything in perspective, we know we'll get by just fine!  We cannot express enough to all of you who have walked along this journey with us, just how truly grateful and appreciative we are of all of your love and support.  From day one when things were very questionable to say the least, to the very last minute when we signed out of the NICU for the last time this afternoon leaving with our second healthy baby boy, Kalleigh and I were able to overcome our fears and the unknown because of the strength that was provided to us through the comforting words, phone calls, emails, text messages, and the caring and thoughtful prayers that were constantly being said for our boys and our family.  This experience has given Kalleigh and I a new perspective on life, and has really shown us what is important and what matters. 

Many of you probably already knew this, but along with this blog I have been writing letters to the boys which started out nightly moved to weekly, and will continue monthly through their first few years of life so they can get my perspective and experiences as they grow up.  In closing this blog I would like to share with all of you what I will share with tonight's letter to the boys:

November 1, 2013

Dear Nicholas and Joseph,

To be completely honest with you both I didn't know if I would ever get the chance to write this letter to both of you, or if I would only be writing to one of you.  As you have read through my letters to this point you obviously have an understanding of what our family has gone through during this challenging time in our lives.

Today marks one of the happiest days in my life, along with the day you were born and the day your brother was born.  Your Mother and I walked out of the NICU with Joseph to come home to Nicholas and the rest of the family who have been waiting for this moment for exactly 83 days!!!   To say this was an emotional day is an understatement.  Your Mother and I have developed great relationships with many of the NICU personnel who have been so instrumental in your progress, that it was hard to say goodbye, and the game of trying to hold back the tears was quickly lost by both your Mother and I as we loaded Joseph in the car and began to pull away (Yes I'm manly enough to admit I had tears!!!).   It's difficult to explain but the tears were for many more reasons than just pure happiness that we had both boys in our home.  The tears were due to the fear of the unknown and all of the questions that a parent has when they bring home a new baby, especially after a NICU stay.  Are you healthy enough to be out of the hospital?  Are your Mother and I fully prepared to handle the curve balls that will undoubtedly be thrown our way?  Are we good enough parents to handle 3 kids all within 22 months of each other?  The tears were due to the sadness of leaving our new friends at the NICU, the people who we could call at any time day or night and get an update as to how you both were doing, or to have them send text messages to us even when they were off duty to see how the boys were doing and answer any questions we may have.  The tears ran down today for so many reasons, but mostly because we couldn't be happier to have you both under our roof and begin to start living a normal, although crazy, life!!!

As you both grow up and begin to understand the challenges that you overcame during the first few months of your life, you must never forget that aside from both of you fighting for your survival, many people played important roles in helping push you in the right direction.  The doctor who made the call to deliver you on August 11th, the nurses who immediately began working on you the second you were born, the doctor who had to come into our room and say how bad things truly were the first two days, the same doctor who made the risky decision to reopen the PDA in Joseph which ultimately led to his survival, the nurses who had to endure our repeated questions yet answered each one as if it were the first time and in a language anyone could comprehend, the countless other people who all played a major role in your survival, must all be remembered.  Most of all you must remember just how much love and support you received from not just your family, but from an expansive network of family and friends that reached all over the United States, to people who were asked to pray for you guys even though they had never met your Mother or I.  The overwhelming amount of love and support that we received for you guys truly made all of the difference to get you both home to us safe and sound!!! 

Lastly, you must ALWAYS remember and be grateful that you had a Mother who had to balance her life between the hospital and taking care of your brother and I, not once complaining or even making it look hard.  The hours of lost sleep she endured to make sure you both had enough milk to keep you off of formula and on the best medicine you could have asked for.  Your mother is truly an amazing woman who will always do anything for her boys, and all I ask of you, if you never listen to me for anything else, is to always love and appreciate your Mother the way she loves and appreciates you guys!!!

People ask how do we do it, how do we keep smiles on our faces during what has been without a doubt the most difficult thing we have ever had to go through?  The answer is simple, we do it because we're your parents and it's just what we do.  Your Mother and I made a decision at the beginning of all of this to make the best of the situation, expect the worst, but prepare for the worst, and put all of our faith in God's plan that was handed to us, and know that whatever happens, this is what was supposed to happen.  God obviously had some challenges for us to face, but we proved that a strong and loving family and support group will always be able to overcome the challenges life may throw at you, but God's plan ultimately had you two both returning to us as healthy baby boys, which is where we are tonight, home together as a family.

I love you both more than words will ever describe, and thank you for showing me what true strength and courage really is, and I only hope that as your Dad I can do half as much for you, as you have already done for me.  I love you Joseph and Nicholas, and Welcome Home!!!

I love you Forever,





Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 82!!! Happy Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween everyone!!!  We didn't expect to have Nicholas joining us on Halloween this year, but it was the best treat we could have asked for!  Of course we only wished that Joseph could have been with his brothers today as well, but next year we'll make up for it!!!  

Nicholas had his first doctor's visit with his pediatrician today, and everything looks great!!!  He is continuing to adapt to his home, and big brother Vince is really taking an active role in helping out.  He doesn't quite understand everything that's going on of course but he knows when to lend a hand to Mommy and Me!!  I can't wait to see his face tomorrow when we bring home another one!!!  Joseph is still on schedule, and I'm going to spend some time with him now, for his last night in the NICU!!!

As we prepare our home for having both boys home together, Kalleigh and I have reflected a lot on this whole situation.  We didn't know what to expect, and didn't expect to have it go as well as it did!!!  As we get ready to say our goodbyes to the care givers who have done what they would call their "job" for our boys, we see it a whole lot different.  We cannot begin to describe the amount of appreciation that we have for each and every one of the people in the NICU who have made these past 2 1/2 months as easy as possible for us and our family.   Our boys have received the best care around, and I truly believe that they progressed ahead of schedule because of the love they felt from the people taking care of them.  I'm not going to lie, it's going to be hard to say our goodbyes to the people we have come to know rather well over the past 82 days, and having the long conversations about not only our lives, but theirs as well!  Sometimes I think people forget that nurses and doctors are just people like us with the same worries and issues that we all face on a day to day basis, and although they are used to seeing babies leave the NICU on a daily basis, I can't help but think it's hard on them as well to say goodbye to the families who they have spent a lot of their time with.  The NICU is a place I never really thought about, or to be honest even knew about, it's almost like the unspeakable section of the hospital.  There aren't any signs that point you to the NICU, and even the entrance is muted so not to draw too much attention.  But as Kalleigh and I have found out over these past months, the NICU is truly a special place where miracles really do happen!!!  If it weren't for the overwhelming amount of care and attention Kalleigh and I may not have been so lucky as to be bringing two babies home given the condition that they started.  From the specialist who made the decision to deliver on August 11th, to the nurse that will walk us to the car tomorrow with the last of our belongings, our family will be forever grateful of their care and compassion that was shown to us, and we will always have two beautiful reminders with us that are here because of the truly special people who just did their "jobs".

Vince got a special treat with his candy this year!!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day 81!!!

The first night with Nicholas home was a success!!! He didn't sleep much, but that was to be expected, and Kalleigh and I wouldn't have slept great either way so it was fine!  He is adjusting well to his home, and Vince and him are getting along wonderfully!!!  Vince is interested in helping out as much as possible, and knows when the baby is trying to sleep that he needs to be quiet, it's actually pretty cute!!!  

Joseph is doing well and is getting ready for his big day on Friday!!!  We can't wait to have all of our boys under one roof for the first time!!!  I don't know if Kalleigh and I are truly ready to handle this task, because I don't know if anyone can truly prepare adequately for it, but I know God only gives us what we can handle, and apparently he thinks we'll be just fine (Or he's going to be having a fun time watching this show!!!) 

Vince got to hold Nicholas today for the first time, he really showed an interest and we weren't going to pass up on the opportunity!!!  It's amazing to see how Vince is feeling us out right now for what he can and can't get away with, and I'm sure he'll outsmart us the majority of the time, but Kalleigh and I will continue to do this parenting thing with a smile on our faces and laughter in our hearts, because when it all comes down to it, these next few years will be short lived and we know we will miss them when they are done!!! 

Such a proud big brother!!! Wait until he realizes one more is coming!!!

Giving hugs to his new brother!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Homecoming time for Nicholas!!!

Today was the big day for Nicholas!!!  Kalleigh and I went to pick him up around 1:00 today and spent most of the afternoon with both boys while we were prepped by our nurse about what to expect and what had to be done with Nicholas over the  next few weeks!!!  The amount of information we received today compared to that of what we learned throughout this entire process!!!  We are so thankful for all of their help and it was VERY difficult leaving there, even though we left our precious Joseph behind for a few days!!! Speaking of Joseph, he is scheduled to come home on Friday!!!  Obviously this is the biggest week for us thus far, and so far everything has worked out wonderfully!!!   Vince even greeted his new baby brother with a nice "Hi!" and is still figuring out what is going on, but he'll be fine!!!  We were just so excited to be able to have Vince see Nicholas today!!!  That may have been one of the hardest things we had to go though was explaining to Vince via pictures on our phones that those are his brothers!!!  It was obviously a precious moment in our lives!!! 
Nicholas and Joseph saying their goodbyes for a few days!!!

When we arrived to pick up Nicholas we were happy to see him and Joseph in the same crib, bonding for a few more hours until we had to take Nicholas home!  This was one of our favorite pictures from today, but it made it even more difficult to leave as you can imagine.  We didn't realize just how much we would become attached to the NICU and all of the people who have been so wonderful there, and just seeing our boys together there everyday was great!!!  We know we are so lucky to have Nicholas home with us, and we can't wait for Joseph to come home either, but for almost 3 months this has been there home, and because of the care and attention they received they are able to come home sooner than hoped!!!

Nicholas where he belongs....HOME!!!

Nicholas is safe and sound in his home along with Big Brother Vince, Kalleigh, Myself and Gucci (our dog!!!).  He is doing great and we couldn't be more blessed right now!!! Joseph is doing great too and he is probably in better hands than Nicholas now!!! Just Kidding (maybe!)!!!  I could go into so much more detail on how we feel and how exciting today has been, but right now we are enjoying having Nicholas with us for his first night home and learning all over again what it's like to have an infant in the home!!!  We better learn quick because double time is happening this weekend!!!

Saying Goodbye for a few days :(

Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 79!!!

We are still on schedule to have Nicholas come home tomorrow!!!  Kalleigh has been doing a great job of finishing up the odds and ends around the house in order to prepare for the big homecoming!!!  We are hopeful that Nicholas will be episode free for the rest of the day and tonight so when we go to pick him up tomorrow he's discharged!!!

Joseph will be in the NICU for at least another week, unfortunately he had an episode last night that had to be documented, so his clock will be reset, but we're hoping he is home by the middle to end of next week!  I'm nervous for both boys to be separated from one another, and I really feel bad about it, but I know it's for the best, and at least Vince will have some time to get adjusted as well as Kalleigh and myself!

I will update the details about tomorrow once I get back from the hospital tonight, and hopefully posts some new pictures of the boys as well!!!

UPDATE 10/28/2013 9:15 PM:  So the prescriptions are filled for Nicholas to come home!!!  We had to drop off his prilosec for his reflux, and his pulmacort for his lung development, which we will have to administer to him two times a day.  Tomorrow we will be briefed by the respiratory doctor on what we have to keep an eye on with Nicholas, and everything else we have to do in order to help his lungs develop to their full potential.  The Neo-natologist will also have a meeting with us to let us know about what could possibly happen, and everything else we need to do for our little guy!!!  Tomorrow will be a day filled with a lot of information for both Kalleigh and I, but I think we're prepared to the best of our ability to be able to handle this, and it will be good to get in a groove with one of them, before Joseph comes home too!!! The doctors and nurses are saying that it's looking like a late afternoon discharge for him, so I'll keep everyone up to date as much as possible, but if I miss a post tomorrow don't worry!!!

To say that we're nervous is an understatement right now, but we have 100% confidence in the doctors and nurses in the NICU that they are going to release our little Nicholas only because he's ready to come home!  Kalleigh and I both know we should get some sleep tonight, because God only knows it's probably the last good night of sleep we will get for a LONG time, but in all honesty we're both super excited among the dozens of other emotions that are going through us right now that sleep may be out of the question!!!   Please say extra prayers tonight for our family especially Nicholas and Joseph who have given us a strength we didn't know we had, and that the strength they have provided to us is instilled into them on their long awaited journey home!!!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

11 Weeks!!!

We have a six pound baby on our hands!!! Joseph weighed in last night at just over 6lbs which is really amazing!!! Nicholas is weighing in at 5lb 5oz, so he's still got some catching up to do, but so far so good!!!  We also received notice today that Nicholas is scheduled to come home on Tuesday barring any episodes that happen between now and then!!! We knew it could be any time this week, but now that the nurses and doctors have given us a date it's making this exciting news so much more real!!!  We have really gotten used to living our lives like this for the past 78 days and to think we're going to have to figure everything out again seems crazy, but we couldn't be happier!!! 

Joseph is still doing great off of his oxygen and hasn't had an episode since the 17th of October, so he may be coming home shortly after Nicholas, which will be great so Kalleigh and I don't have to work on feeding Nicholas here and then getting to the hospital to feed Joseph!!!  I'm sure we'll be okay, and we will have to keep a positive attitude toward everything which to be honest has been the best medicine for Kalleigh and I!   We know we'll have some bumps along the road, but we also know that we'll just have to smile and laugh at most of it!!! 

Other than the exciting news of a possible homecoming on Tuesday, there isn't too much more to say!  The boys are testing out the bottles we have at home to see how they respond, and they will be testing out the car seats too!  Speaking of car seats, tomorrow marks the official day where Kalleigh is taking my car and I get hers, so I'm a little bummed, but excited at the same time!!!  I'm also excited that hopefully on Tuesday the push up count gets cut in half!!!  156 today was a lot, and hopefully 160 will be highest we have to go!!! 

Please keep Nicholas and Joseph in your prayers as they embark on what we hope is their final journey in the NICU these next few days, and just know how much Kalleigh and I are forever grateful for the love and support everyone continues to bless us with on a daily basis!!!  Goodnight everyone!!!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 77!!!

Today was a wonderful day for me and the boys!!! I got to go into the hospital for the first time in two days and spend time with just myself and the boys!!!  The nurses even left me alone, and I was able to hang with them in peace and quiet, and feed them both!!!  Joseph is off of his oxygen still and he looks amazing!!! Nicholas is doing great and is in day 4 of his countdown, so we are very excited that he may be coming home early next week!!!  Joseph has been episode free for 10 days now, but since he was just taken off of his oxygen he won't be eligible to come home for at least a week, but so far so good, and we hope that he is only in the NICU a few days longer so we can have both boys home within the next two weeks!!!

The doctors put Nicholas back on his breathing treatment that is inhaled for a few minutes, but only because of his spontaneous bouts of fast paced breathing.  The doctors feel this contributes to him burning more calories and not gaining the number of grams on a weekly basis as they would like him too, but the doctor today was very happy with him and how he was responding.  Both boys are still a little anemic, but they are going to hold off on treating it in any way yet and see how their numbers look on Monday when they both get tested.  Kalleigh's milk is a big help in this situation and they are hoping since the boys are both taking at least 50ml regularly that they will be able to get their blood cell count up on their own!!!

Today was a good thinking day for me, and I was reminiscing about their time in the NICU and how it's going to be a very bitter sweet feeling to take them home, especially separately!!!  Don't get me wrong, I want them home yesterday, but Kalleigh and myself, especially Kalleigh, have developed great relationships with all of the NICU personnel, and they have become a very big part of our lives for the past 77 days.  Kalleigh and I will never be able to truly thank them for what they have done for our family, and getting to know each of them over this time has really been a great and unique experience!!!  Plus they have provided a loving and caring home for our boys!!! 

Nicholas after his bottle!!!
Look at Joseph, NO OXYGEN!!!